Dr. Sereana Naepi


Balancing acts

Change with work such as restructures that have affected my ability to commit to study for a year or semester, juggling my young family commitments with children; aging parents, finances and whether employers support studies. – Theodore et al., 2018 p.143 Pacific peoples in university face significant challenges as they juggle multiple responsibilities, including academic

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The global spread of western cultures, to which universities have made a huge contribution, may be compared to the spread of monocultures in agriculture where imported, hybridized, fertilizer-dependent seeds, produced at a profit for multinational corporations, crowd out indigenous local varieties. – Thaman, 2003, p.7 Western epistemologies and pedagogies dominate higher education, marginalising Indigenous perspectives

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The Eurocentric mould

Diversity and inclusion are collapsed into numeric representation of Indigenous and racialised students. There is no substantive recognition of white/European epistemological dominance, and no demand for deep structural change. This is perhaps the most prevalent position circulating in higher education in settler colonies.– Naepi et al., 2017 p.89 European epistemological dominance refers to the hegemony

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Transforming knowledge systems

Talanoa is a personal encounter where people story their issues, their realities and aspirations. It allows for more mo’oni (pure, real, authentic) information to be available for Pacific research than data derived from other research methods. (Vaioleti, 2006.p.1) Pacific peoples are expanding the academy’s knowledge production methods. Talanoa is one such Pacific approach to knowledge-making

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